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What you Can Get From Gingseng Supplements

Supplements are divided into two, based on their origins; they are chemical and natural supplement. Chemical supplement is supplement that is made...

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Vitamins for Health : A Deeper Look into Vitamin E

The antioxidants vitamin E helps stop the natrual signs of aging. Severe deficiencies of Vitamin E are rare, though some people may not be getting...

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Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng supplements can give you the much-needed relief from stress and exhaustion. These days, stress is a common phenomenon. Whether it is at the...

on Nov 11, 2015

The Many Benefits of the Garlic

Garlic is an herb, which boasts of a number of great benefits. It is widely used in cooking because of its beneficial properties. You may take...

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Benefits and Uses of Molybdenum

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by Administrator on Jan 5, 2015

Supplements seem to become one of the most important part of people’s life, especially those who want to live a healthy and happy life. One thing about a healthy and happy life is that it is getting more difficult to achieve nowadays, and it is getting even harder amongst the modern lifestyles people are living. That is right; there are just too many things that make people cannot live healthily, and one of them is the working duration. It seem that people do not have much time to take a rest since they have to work from morning to night, even during the weekends. Another things that keeps people away from living a healthy life is the foods: people prefer to have instant and fast foods because it takes shorter time to prepare the foods. Besides, they can easily buy the foods in any fast foods restaurants.

Good news is that there are lots of ways to stay healthy and have a happy life, and the one that we recommend is by natural way. Besides involving natural ingredients (you can even find some ingredients in your kitchen), natural way to stay healthy is everlasting. The best natural way, which most people choose, is by taking natural supplement on daily basis. These natural supplements are made of natural ingredient, such as fruits and vegetables, which is sometimes combined with other substances. A popular supplement that we are going to talk about here is folic acid, or also popular as folate. A folic acid supplement is a supplement that contains various kinds of vitamin B. Besides giving benefits to our body, the supplement is also able to cure particular illness.

One of the most popular uses of folic acid is for pregnant women, as protection. Medical sources mentioned that it is important for pregnant women to have daily dosage of folic acid, especially before and during pregnancy –this is why they recommend married women to consume the supplement, to supply the vitamin before they were pregnant. This substance is needed as the helper in cell formation, and thus, it helps pregnant women to avoid birth defects of their baby. A women’s foundation even mention the exact amount of supplements containing folic acid pregnant women have to consume: from 400 to 800mcg per day. Another benefit of folic acid supplement is dealing with cardiovascular, in which the substance is able to reduce the level of homocysteine in the blood.

Besides offering cardiovascular benefits and pregnancy benefits, there are other health benefits offered by supplement containing folic acid. Some medical sources mentioned that the low level of this substance is increasing the cancer risk in your body –this is based on the American Cancer Society. Therefore, it is recommended that you consume a folic acid supplement regularly to avoid any kinds of cancer. In addition, it is better for you to see a doctor to make sure that it is safe for you to consume folic acid supplement –this is one thing to do if you want to consume any supplements.

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