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What you Can Get From Gingseng Supplements

Supplements are divided into two, based on their origins; they are chemical and natural supplement. Chemical supplement is supplement that is made...

on Nov 27, 2015

Vitamins for Health : A Deeper Look into Vitamin E

The antioxidants vitamin E helps stop the natrual signs of aging. Severe deficiencies of Vitamin E are rare, though some people may not be getting...

on Nov 17, 2015

Ginseng Supplements

Ginseng supplements can give you the much-needed relief from stress and exhaustion. These days, stress is a common phenomenon. Whether it is at the...

on Nov 11, 2015

The Many Benefits of the Garlic

Garlic is an herb, which boasts of a number of great benefits. It is widely used in cooking because of its beneficial properties. You may take...

on Oct 7, 2015

Benefits and Uses of Molybdenum

Molybdenum is a mineral that is commonly found in food items like leafy vegetables, organ meats, grains, legumes and milk. Molybdenum is stored in...

on Sep 21, 2015

by Administrator on Jan 3, 2015

Minerals are elements that cannot be made by living creatures. Minerals for plants are absorbed from minerals from the soil.  When you eat plants that have rich minerals from the roots, you indirectly receive these minerals.  On a minute scale, you also receive some from animals that you eat that have eaten plants with minerals.  Some places fortified the water or contain natural minerals in the tap water we drink depending on where you live.

Chromium - Needed in trace amounts it's not fully known why and how this mineral interacts with the body.

Copper - Copper is an essential trace mineral found in all body tissue and important to the connective tissue.

Fluoride - Not always considered an essential mineral, it's great for healthy bones and teeth.

Iodine - Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones, which are necessary for maintaining normal metabolism in all cells of the body.

Iron - Every living cell contains iron.  It's essential for life including production of myoglobin, hemoglobin, and certain enzymes.

Magnesium - Magnesium is essential for calcium metabolism, the production of enzymes and proteins, and the utilization of fats and carbohydrates.

Manganese - Trace of this mineral has many essential roles in the body.

Molybdenum - Molybdenum is important to many biological processes and thought to be imporant in development of the nervous system.

Phosphorus - phosphorus is the 2nd most abundant mineral in the body after calicium. both of them are related to building strong teeth and bones.

Potassium - Potassium is a trace mineral essential for growth and good health. Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is considered an electrolyte

Selenium - A trace element that is naturally present in many foods, fortified in other foods, and available as a dietary supplement.

Sodium (Chloride) - Sodium is the major positive ion in fluid outside of cells. When combined with chloride, the resulting substance is table salt.

Zinc - Offers essential minerals that are in some foods and is involved  in cellular metabolism.

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